Meeting Needs in Vienna
Our chosen charity for the Pre-IMEX event in Vienna is Cape 10. This organization is dedicated to supporting underprivileged kids ages 10-14 to attend a “Chance to Dance” camp this summer. We’ve accepted the challenge of collecting 100 pairs of sneakers to make this program a reality.
CAPE 10 and ImPulsTanz Vienna are collaborating and offering a full-day Summer Dance Academy entitled CHANCE TO DANCE for children and young people living in poverty and/or living with disabilities.
CAPE 10 is a modern social, health, and innovation center in the 10th district of Vienna, a district with major social challenges. The district Favoriten is the most populous, most child-rich, and at the same time, the least educated district in Vienna, with the lowest income share and the highest proportion of migrants. The life expectancy of children in the 10th district is shortened by up to 10 years. CAPE 10 houses different social and health institutions on around 5,000 m² of floor space, providing opportunities for participation, inclusion, and further education in the areas of education, culture, sport, and leisure, including medical care and access to urgently needed therapies and remedies for people affected by poverty or health-related disadvantages. Children, young people, and women in particular find support at CAPE 10.